Happy Sunday!
I have no idea what the weather is like right now other than looking at my weather app because Holly and I have been inside all weekend long. It is always discombobulating to enter a building in the early morning and leave late at night when that building has no windows. My weather app tells me that we are missing some gorgeous temperatures, but it also looks like we are missing rain. I am okay with that. If it were a sunny day, it would be so much more difficult to sit here for the third day.
We had a visitor from Ames towards the end of the week. It was so wonderful to see Connor other than on television. He is much more fun in person, but I know I have bias. He is still working on finding the right combination of medication, but I think he turned a corner and has more good days than bad.
Unfortunately, this was not the greatest week for Connor to come home for a few days with appointments and long work days and a dance competition. The days were long and grueling, with both Jim and me dealing with issues at work that kept us glued to our desks for the entire day and ready to collapse once we got home. I would say I never want to experience another week like that one, but I am afraid that for me at least our new owners will cause my work weeks to look more like this last one than anything I experienced last year.
There is not much else to report. We are all still keeping on keeping on, trying to keep the house intact and stocked with everything we need to run a household, trying to keep everyone fed, and trying to give the dogs as much attention and playtime as we can afford to give them. It does not leave much time for anything else, but that is life. We have three more years of this craziness before life for Jim and me dramatically changes once again. I will cherish the insanity while I can.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. If your weather is suitable, enjoy the outdoors for me, and I will see you back here next week.
Here are past posts from the last few weeks in case you missed them the first time:
- Sunday Reflections – 31 March 2019
- What Are You Reading? – 1 April 2019
- My son was right
- Woman 99 brings nothing new to the table
- No readathon for me