Books Magazine

Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018

By Whatsheread

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Happy Sunday!

We are in the last week of summer vacation for Holly. However, as our minds turn towards autumn (because it is the best season), Mother Nature is reminding us that it is still very much summer. Hot and humid are the adjectives for this upcoming week and today. I am over humidity though, so I am not a fan of Mother Nature right now.

Because we are entering Holly’s last week of summer vacation, Jim and I took off Friday to have a fun day and to allow her to celebrate her birthday with her friends. We had to go to an indoor water park because the weather did not cooperate enough to allow us to go to the big outdoor one in the area. The girls did not mind. They had a blast on all the slides. Later, we experienced the challenge of an escape room. That was a lot of fun, and I would totally recommend it to others. We rounded out the day with dinner at a macaroni and cheese restaurant. It was perfect for her, and judging by how late we all slept on Saturday morning, we all had fun.

This upcoming week should be fairly lowkey thanks to a week-long break from dance. Holly still has poms practice as well as a poms team sleepover this week, but at this stage in the game not having anything might throw her body into shock. Plus, none of the practices are over late. They are practicing using the school day schedule, so we will be home by 6:00 PM each night with no other place to go. That will be a treat. Holly might have a rare break, but that is not true for Jim and me. I have month-end. Jim has meetings with vendors. There really is no rest for the weary.

Today, we are picking up Connor’s car from the maintenance shop where it had been towed after the clutch died as Jim and Connor were heading to Ames. We will be taking his car into Iowa to meet Connor at the halfway point. I am looking forward to seeing him. There was a scare on Friday night with his apartment complex being put on lockdown due to sightings of armed men trying to enter the complex. It turns out that the rifles and handguns the gentlemen had were BB guns, but it could have been so much worse. No mother wants to hear the words, “Our lights are off, and we have skillets and knives to charge them in case they get into the apartment.” I need hugs just to reassure myself that he is indeed okay.

Once we get back from seeing Connor, the plan is to relax. We did most of the chores yesterday, so we should be able to kick back and do nothing as a way to celebrate Sunday. Next week starts football season, so the goal is to take advantage of this last quiet weekend with nothing on TV to distract us.

I hope you all are having a great weekend and wish you a quiet but speedy work week to come. I will see you back here next time!


Here are past posts from the last few weeks in case you missed them the first time:

  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 13 August 2018
  • The Completionist feels incomplete
  • When good authors write disappointing novels
  • Good writing, poor story
  • Fabulous Friday – 17 August 2018
  • What’s for Dinner? – Week Starting 11 August 2018
  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 20 August 2018
  • Who are you going to call? Ghostbusting Jane Eyre!
  • Good but not for me
  • Not my type of novel but still lovely
  • Fabulous Friday – 24 August 2018
  • What’s for Dinner? – Week Starting 18 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018
Sunday Reflections – 26 August 2018

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