Books Magazine

Sunday Reflections – 16 August 2020 – Quarantine Update 6

By Whatsheread

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Happy Sunday!

Things are plugging along here these days. If you missed my announcement on IG, we sold the last of the furniture we wanted to sell this week. The house looks empty with furniture missing from four of the rooms. Still, I think of everything I have to still pack and simultaneously want to hide and start packing right now. The catch? We have roughly 60 days before we take occupancy of the condo and 45 before we have to leave this house. I will probably continue to do little things here and there but hit the boxes in earnest in September when Holly is back to school.

As for the condo, the electricians and plumbers finished. Insulation is in. The first layer of the flooring is down. Our builder said they should get to the sheetrock this week. It really is beginning to look like a house now!

Holly’s school district officially postponed all fall sports until the spring but are leaving options open for those teams to continue to meet and train without removing any eligibility. We have not heard from her poms’ coach about any changes to her plans, so we still continue to wait for more information about that.

We did receive more information regarding the school year, and I remain impressed by how thoroughly the district is preparing for all contingencies. Mandatory mask wearing for those attending schools, a clear and precise schedule for all students, whether they are hybrid or virtual-only, an adjusted school day one day a week for the teachers to have more time to prepare for the mixed teaching methods – these are just a few of the measures in place before the kids start school on September 1st. As a parent, I feel fairly comfortable with Holly’s desire to attend school in person for half the time. We shall see if these precautions are effective.

Since that first week in July, we have had an absolutely gorgeous summer this year. Seriously. Relatively low humidity, temperatures in the low to mid-80s, just enough cloud cover to keep you cool when outside. We have had some doozies of storms, including the remnants of the derecho that devastated Iowa this past week. However, I will take occasionally having to seek shelter in the basement for the opportunity to keep the windows open at night. I know the west is once again burning up under the sun and have read some articles about the killer heat in the Middle East, so I know this is yet another example of global climate change. I am trying to recognize that it IS a bad thing to have lower than average temperatures this time of year, but 70+ degree weather in August makes me so freaking happy. I normally detest summer and hide indoors, but that is not the case this year.

Speaking of beautiful weather, I am going to go enjoy it now. I should be back this week to get caught up on way too many outstanding book reviews. Jim is out of town on business, so he can’t give me all the little to-dos for our two houses that seem to pop up every day. Holly finished her summer dance classes, freeing up our evenings once again, so I should have more time to hop onto my computer and pound out a review or two while still enjoying the weather and packing an occasional box or two. Priorities, right?

I hope everyone is either experiencing gorgeous weather like us, staying cool and safe if not, and came out unscathed in the recent rash of hurricanes (land and water) that hit the U.S. Make sure you register to vote, request your mail-in ballot, and wear your mask as well!

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