Books Magazine

Sunday Reflections – 14 June 2020 – Still Surviving

By Whatsheread

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Happy Mother’s Day to those who are celebrating! Happy Sunday to those who are not!

I know I am repeating what so many others have said, but things are absolutely crazy right now. Never in my wildest imagination would I imagine living through a pandemic and a revolution at the same damn time. These are exciting and exhausting and uncomfortable and educational times we are experiencing.

My little corner of the world is progressing as normal. Jim is working from home. His company recently made the decision to work from home indefinitely because productivity has been so high during the shelter-in-place mandates. Upper management is looking to convert the office space they previously had into more production space with one modular area for those who may need to go to the site for any reason. Needless to say, this eliminates a daily three-hour commute for him, so he is very excited about these plans.

Connor remains in Ames, Iowa. He is back to work and looking at plans for the fall. These plans most likely do not include full-time school again but rather knocking out at least a class or two at the community college level before jumping back into full-time student status. He and his girlfriend are participating in the current revolution in any way they can. It is interesting to me that he and I had a discussion about the corrupt police system back in February of this year, where he insisted we need to defund or even disband police departments then. I now know how right he was, which is yet another reminder that it is my kids’ generations that make the necessary changes to our world to ensure equal rights for all.

Holly officially finished her sophomore year last week and has one more week to go of dance classes. She gets a small break and then starts summer classes in July. Right now, she should get back to competing in July as well, but, like so many other things, the dates might change once again. She already knows she has to postpone the date she gets her drivers’ license because she has no instructor-assisted drive time yet, and that is one requirement the state has yet to waive for new drivers. It is all frustrating, but she remains in good spirits about it all. In fact, she put on her activist hat and is busy posting and calling out racism and hatred her peers post. She too has been calling for a revolution for some time, so I know she will continue to be active in promoting needed change.

As for me, I am still not working, and I find I am perfectly okay with it; I don’t miss conference calls or the politics that come with management. I keep busy cooking and cleaning, reading, and sewing. In the next few weeks, I will be working towards getting our house ready to put on the market. Jim and I have been discussing the idea of downsizing for a few years now, and we finally made the decision to do so. We found a condo a mile from our current house that is in the process of being built. Once complete, the association takes care of all lawn and garden maintenance, including snow removal. Since it currently is at the stage where it is nothing but studs and two-by-fours, we can make any changes to the design we want. The condo is significantly smaller than our current house, which means less time cleaning. It also means a smaller mortgage, which helps provide me with more options regarding going back to work. Our long-time realtor is confident our house will sell quickly because the current housing market is on fire right now. Fingers crossed!

So, that is what is keeping us busy these days. Not that we are truly busy. I think I speak for my other two family members when I say we enjoy this slower pace and more time at home. I know the dogs definitely like us home all the time!

How are you doing? What are you doing to survive? Read anything good lately?

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