Books Magazine

Sunday Reflections – 12 July 2015

By Whatsheread

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Happy Sunday night! It’s been another busy weekend with house-planning meeting, graduation parties, our first motorcycle ride of the season, chores, chores, and more chores. All to get ready for the upcoming week. We are all just relaxing right now, as I hope all of you are.

Connor is on his way towards getting his braces (tomorrow). This past Monday, after a hiccup when both Jim and Connor forgot about the appointment, he had spacers put in to prepare his mouth for metal. Given his reaction to those, tomorrow should be an experience, especially as he has marching band practice this week. He says he will not need any painkillers to help him play his tuba this week. We shall see…

Holly is back in dance classes and couldn’t be happier. All of the kids were happy to be back at the studio, and the mothers looked relieved as well. I suspect I wasn’t the only one struggling with her daughter’s abundance of energy and lack of regular outlet. It was a riotous reunion among teachers and parents and dancers alike, which is always nice to see. Plus, it makes her happy, and that is one thing I absolutely love.

Last week was Holly’s big hair change. This week, it was my turn. After one year of growing it out and two years of having long hair for the first time in my life, it was time to go. We never did measure exactly how much we cut off, but if you were on Instagram this week, you saw the two huge piles of hair as well as the before and after of my new ‘do. The weirdest thing about the whole process was realizing just how curly my hair now is. For someone who has had some wave but no curl for most of her life, to see it spring into ringlets now is a surreal experience. However, I absolutely love it. I love the color. I love the length. I feel sassy and in control. I love the air on my neck. I am so glad I am back to having short hair. The long hair was nice, but this feels more me.

What else? I did my regular weekly reading recap on Monday, shared my thoughts on a DNF and Those Girls by Chevy Stevens. The rest of the week was quiet because I’m really struggling to read. The books are interesting. However, my mind is not willing. It is okay. I’m still reading and that is all that matters.

Speaking of, it is time to finish getting ready for the week and settle down with another book. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday night and even better week!

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