I love a McDonalds breakfast wrap (especially the morning after a night out!) and would eat them all day long if I could. However, I live faaaar away from a McDonalds in the countryside so it’s a pretty rare treat (luckily enough for my purse at a price of £2.49 each, not to mention my waistline at 600 calories!). So the only option for me to get my Maccy D’s fix is to try to recreate the wrap myself at home. I’ve just rustled this brunch for our lazy Sunday morning and I thought you’d like to see how I make a bargain version of the famous McDonalds breakfast wrap.
Add burger cheese (these were 64p for a pack of 10 from Lidl so that’s 12.8p) to a tortilla wrap (pack of 8 for £1 at Tesco, so 12.5p per wrap) and zap it in the microwave for about 10 seconds to warm through. Add a cooked sausage cut in half (or I used party sausages that I had in the freezer, which were £1 for 45 and I’ve used 6 in the wrap, so a total of 13.33p for the sausage layer) then layer up two rashers of bacon (£1 for 8 rashers from Family Bargains = 25p) and squirt over ketchup. Next, I added some tomatoes, which aren’t in the traditional McDonalds breakfast wrap, but I’m at home and I want them, so in they go! Finish off your wrap with a fried egg (£1 for half dozen free range eggs from our local farm shop = 16.6p per egg), wrap it up and enjoy your breakfast wrap knowing you’ve saved money. Plus I used ‘lighter’ wraps and cheese, and Fry Light to cook my eggs in, and have grilled my sausages and bacon, so it’s a slightly ‘healthier’ option than the McDonalds wrap, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself as I tuck in!
Let me know if you give it a go for a Sunday morning treat
PS: I’ve been shortlisted in the Company Magazine Style Blogger Awards and I would be eternally grateful if you would stop by their page and cast your vote – I’m in the Thrifty Blog category and I’d love it if you voted for me! Thanks so much