I'm sure most of you know by now that I have an eight year old son called Oliver and at the moment he is enjoying his summer holiday from school (this means either hubby or me trying to find ways of keeping him occupied which don't involve hours of YouTube!!). So you can imagine how excited we were when the lovely people at House of Fraser asked if we, well actually Oliver would like to review something from their toy department!
I let Oliver have a peruse of the site and of course he went for a NERF Dart gun as he loves them- it would appear that they are rather popular!
So here is what he chose..

The inevitable search for the darts!!

Now I am reliably informed by Oliver that this is the NERF Roughcut 2x4 which he chose as it can fire two darts at the same time and he found it easy to use and load. This led to a Friday night spent in our back garden with Oliver trying to see how far he could shoot the darts including trying to get one through our open bedroom window!!!
Needless to say he has already had loads of fun with this both inside and outside and I would be lying if I said I hadn't had a go with it!!!
On behalf of Oliver I would like to say a big thank you to House of Fraser as this has totally made his summer and I have one very happy boy!

*Item gifted for review but all opinions are my/Oliver's own.