Fashion Magazine

Style Blogger Feature: Noor Al-Hameed of HaliqDiaz

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul
So, this month's Style Blogger is all the way from Malaysia. She has been a Facebook friend of mine for a long time already. I guess, I feature bloggers who have been my friends already. It is probably because I know them better, so I can describe them better to you.
Earlier this month, I interviewed Noor for the segment. She has been kind enough to say yes to me. It's really great to interview a fellow muslimah since the whole aspect can give you new perspective of Islam as well. So, without further ado, let's hear more about Noor and her blog slash online shop Haliq Diaz.
Style Blogger Feature: Noor Al-Hameed of HaliqDiaz
1. Tell us more about Noor Al-hameed.
Assalamualaikum. Noor is my first name and Al-hameed is my family name(my mom's side). My mom's side is of an Arabian descent. Before I forget, I'm from Malaysia. I'm partly Malay and Arab.  And of course, I am glad to be Malaysian.
I've graduated from local university and got my two degrees at the age of 23. My first degree was Bachelor in Legal Studies and I continued with my professional degree in Law. I'm really into Islamic knowledge (to be precise education,charity,family,etc as Islam is a religion based on knowledge), fashion, music, books, travel, dancing, and not to mention general knowledge (especially science,medicine,and chemistry field). Even though I'm from legal background, I really enjoy to read and discover new knowledge and thoughts in various fields.
I'm so thankful to my beloved dad who never failed to encourage me and make books as one of my best companion since I was a little girl.
2. What pushed you to open an online shop?
I really love fashion and that inspired me to open an online blog shop. Likewise, it is easier to connect and share information about fashion through this medium - Facebook and internet.
Style Blogger Feature: Noor Al-Hameed of HaliqDiaz
3. Define Haliq Diaz.
Hmm..Haliq diaz is given by someone who really special in my's a combination of my name and love of my life..
4. What's in store for us at Haliq Diaz?
Haliqdiaz offers you the latest obsession in fashion from top to toe- not to mention my handmade statement necklace with reasonable prices. We also bring to you our clothing line: suitable for modest ladies all around the world. And of course, our various design of accessories including oversized/vintage rings, necklace and chunky bangles. Our accessories are inspired by international brand such as Forever21, Diva, MNG, Topshop and also Cotton On.
5. Personally, what are your favorite Haliq Diaz pieces?
My favorite Haliqdiaz pieces are handmade statement necklace, chunky bangles, outfit,etc.
Style Blogger Feature: Noor Al-Hameed of HaliqDiazStyle Blogger Feature: Noor Al-Hameed of HaliqDiaz
6. Are you selling internationally or limited to Malaysia only?
I'm selling worldwide. For more info, just visit my blog( and fb page ( )
7. As a muslimah, what is your message to all aspiring hijabis and already hijabis out there?
Style Blogger Feature: Noor Al-Hameed of HaliqDiazI just wanna share my thought about hijab. Hijab is something that I really embrace and proud of. It's not fashion. It's our obligation as stated in Quran Al-Kareem. We must understand the pure concept of hijab and our aurah. The proper Hijab is to dress up modestly and appropriately covering all parts of body except face and hands (feet,neck,chest are also our aurah), without showing one's figure or curves and without using any sort of make-up. Hijab is not a garment of fame and vanity. However, certain people did not realize the true concept of hijab - modesty. That's the keyword. My personal opinion is women shall not publish or display their pictures(especially the tabbaruj's one) as you can read it here:
Ibn Mundhur writes in ‘Lisaan al Arab’ regarding the term ‘at-Tabarruj’:
‘The woman making her Zeenah and Mahaasin apparent to men.’ And: ‘To make apparent the Zeenah to strangers (li an-naas al-ajaanib), and that is blameworthy. But (if it’s done) for the husband then no (it’s not blameworthy).’
As all of us aware, in this modern world, men can access our pictures in various ways. Some might argue that it's the men obligation to lower their gaze and guide his modesty,but did you ever wonder it's also our obligation not to attract them? I know it's hard when we wanna change ourselves to be a better muslim, but if you didn't take the first step, then you'll always stay the same. Don't let dunya wins your heart cause hereafter is your final destination.
Dear ladies, sometimes I myself eager to publish my photo which I think fashionable (but still cover my aurah) and feel excited when I get compliment from others(who don't right?). But then when I realize it just lead me to tabbaruj and it's really bothering me(about the sin, Allah blessing etc). Alhamdulillah. I find the way to encounter it by not letting any dunya elements affect my heart. Always remember that this realm is just a realm of test, a few days that are swiftly running out as every hour passes us. Let us not forget the purpose of our existence, which is to cultivate love and affection for Allah in our heart and not for anything else.
For ladies out there, let's try to take one step each day to be a better muslim and servant for Allah SWT. The Muslim woman must be wise and prudent in safeguarding her dignity and honor. The beauty is for your mahram and husband to see,not the world. :) It may seem hard to begin this but soon Allah will turn hardship into ease.
So verily, with the hardship, there is relief.Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (94,verses 5-6)
8. Define Noor Al-hameed in 10 words.
confident, friendly, sensitive, jovial, confident, highly motivated, loyal, loving, eager to learn new things and of course love fashion. :)
That's all about Noor and Haliq Diaz. I hope we all learn a lot from her girls. :) Let us all pave our way to be better persons. 

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