Art & Design Magazine

Studio VE. The Poetry of Time

By Cobra76
Studio VE. The Poetry of TimeStudio VE. The Poetry of Time
Studio VE redefine the way we see time. Each of their unique timepieces is a functional modern art piece that is sure to spark conversation in any space.

Lithe Clock Blue by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger
The way we experience time is subjective: sometimes we feel time goes by so quickly, and there are times we feel it doesn’t move at all. Studio VE's Lithe Clock communicates that subjective feeling of time in an elegantly functional clock. Its long hands give it a fluid, dance-like flow as they rise and wilt, turn and bend. This clock is a visually stimulating timepiece unlike any other.

Lithe Clock Blue by Shay Carmon and Ben KlingerLithe Clock Blue by Shay Carmon and Ben KlingerLithe Clock Blue by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger

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Studio VE. The Poetry of Time
Studio VE. The Poetry of Time

Manifold Clock Green & Orange Stripes 14'' by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger
In observing anybody climb spiral stairs, one sees the person moving in circles when viewed from above; when viewed from the side, the stair climber appears to be progressing forward and upward. The Studio Ve Manifold Clock manifests this same play on perspective through the clever use of its clock hands to create what can be only described as 3D movement. This clock is truly in a creative class of its own.

Manifold Clock Green & Orange Stripes 14'' by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger
Manifold Clock Green & Orange Stripes 14'' by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger
Manifold Clock Green & Orange Stripes 14'' by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger
Manifold Clock Green & Orange Stripes 14'' by Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger

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Studio VE. The Poetry of Time
Studio VE. The Poetry of Time

Studio VE. The Poetry of Time
About the Designer: Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger

Shay and Ben of Studio Ve want to make the world more interesting with their functional art. Their designs are simple and genuine, clean and inspiring, sincere and intriguing.

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