Music Magazine

Stuck in My Head – ‘Turn Me On’

Posted on the 18 January 2012 by Karibestrycki @bloglikeitshot

I have to say, Wednesday is a hard day to get through, regardless of its Hump Day powers. I was thinking you might need a little boost to get through the day, so I will share with you a bitchin song.

David Guetta – ‘Turn Me On’ ft. Nicki Minaj

Stuck in my Head – ‘Turn Me On’

Photo Courtesy:

Let me first say, I am not a big fan of David Guetta and I can’t figure out why. Is it because he has flowing blonde hair? I don’t know…still working on that mystery.

Regardless, I do appreciate a good song that make my head bop uncontrollably.

I first heard this song live at the American Music Awards and I was hooked. As I have been saying for quite some time, Nicki Minaj is better when she is featured on a song. Don’t get me wrong, I love “Super Bass,” but her parts on “Monster,” “My Chick Bad” and “Make Me Proud” are a bajillion times better. I hope I don’t get beat up for saying that.

Favise lyric: “I just want you to father my young”

Side note: If you find yourself at a party/bar and are looking for something entertaining, bet one of your friends to ask a gentleman if he will “father my young.” Make sure you don’t bet a lot of money though, I learned the hard way.

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