Today has been one of those days...hang on let me start again...this week has been one of those weeks where strength has been away from me. Instead I've been filled with fear, lack of communication and well an inability to find my strength in my usual ways.
Ordinarily my strength to continue comes from a place deep inside my stomach, so physical that I can feel it. This week that feeling has been lost and I have been desperately trying to claw it back and cling onto it for dear life. We all have weeks like this. Ones that are so far removed from our usual routines that we seem to wander around in a daze, unable to fathom what on earth is going on. However it is times like this that we reach a level of strength that we forget exists. A most basic form that we all have within us....the fight or flight mechanism and let's face it, no one flies away do they!

So what can you do when you think you can take no more?
Firstly you can remember this simple rule! Every time you breathe in...breathe in positivity and then when you breathe out...exhale the negative!
We have all had those moments in life where fear, hurt or illness build up to a head and we simply cannot see how we are going to get through the next 5 minutes let alone a day! So when I have these moments I have to use the above rule. Spend a few minutes simply breathing in positive thoughts. It could be that you like how your hair looks that day or you accomplished something great. Whatever it is breathe it in and exhale whatever it is that's making you angry or upset.

How do you find inner strength if you don't know you have it.
Well that is the beauty of inner strength. You don't know you have it until it's all that is left! That's been me this week. My health is shocking and then life decides to throw in more to the mix. What on earth am I going to do? Well what I am going to do is to feel everything that I have to. I'm not going to mask anything, I'm not going to ignore any feeling...I'm going to take them all on!
That is when you find that last bit of energy to give you the push to finish the day. We all have that ability, but if you mask your fear you won't get there just yet. It's like getting bad news at the hospital! The quicker you hear it the quicker you can heal...the slower you pull off a plaster the more hairs it rips out. Life works this way, so feel that pain in that instant and only then will you find the strength to tackle it.

What to do next?
Well that is your choice and yours alone. You can cry, you can laugh, you can tell someone or not. How you handle times of stress is entirely down to your comfort zone. For me I have planned what I can, such as starting a new job on Tuesday. I have rested as much as I physically can and I have....well I went shopping!!!
And then, before you know it, the pieces that have all been out of order will fall back into place. You may not even see it happen, but your strength will come back and then you can breath with ease again.