Family Magazine

Streamlining Stress, Trimming the Internet Fat and Kicking Social Media A$$

By Dgmommy @dgmommyblogger
To the curb, that is. I'm done with the Internet, SEO, Social Media, Blog societies, affiliate programs and all that piling up on top of my shoulders. I already have enough weight to bear there. Remember when it was fun to get online? Social Media was posting a status update for family and friends who never really talked to to keep up with what's going on in your life?
Now, social media is a circus frenzy. I'm discovering that it isn't all that important at all. Not to me, at least. You know what? I don't want to have a wine Twitter party. I want to have a few friends in my living room, a decent bottle of wine and some cool jazz playing from Pandora in the background. That's the only social media I want.
Don't get me wrong; I love the Internet. I love Google. I love having information at my fingertips. I love discovering new blogs and reading a story that touches my heart or makes me laugh. I love "meeting" new people online, but frankly, social media doesn't meet my need for social interactions. I'm a people person. Not a screen-name person.
Motherhood is isolating enough. Why should I spend my days ignoring my children so I can get online to Tweet or Digg or browse through attractive pictures? I don't want to. I want to watch my children play, read a book, chat (in person) with a friend or a neighbor. Or GO to work. Make some people happy, provide a service.
I love writing, but I need a job, man! I need to get out of my house. I need to get away from my beautiful children on a regular basis and they need to get away from me too. That doesn't mean me on my computer and them in the yard. Would I be happy working from home if I made enough money to pay the bills plus hire a babysitter, go on a date with my husband or take a long weekend? Yes, I certainly would. But I don't right now and my social needs are not being met through Facebook or Twitter or CommentLuv.
I'm like a firefly caught in a jar. So much light in me, but trapped. Only my captors see the occasional glimpse of a spark. My potential is restrained. I want out. I want to break free. I want peace, abundance, people, fun and joy. I want fulfillment.
Streamlining Stress, Trimming the Internet Fat and Kicking Social Media A$$
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