Drink Magazine

Strathcona Gold – Strathcona Beer Company

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Strathcona Beer Company in Vancouver comes their "Strathcona Gold" a Belgian Ale. The beer pours an copper colour with a white head. The aroma consists of caramel, bubblegum, fruits and yeast. The flavour is of caramel malts, yeast, fruit, bubblegum, sugar, with some alcohol and bitterness in the flavour. The alcohol content comes in at 6.6% with an IBU of 32. This beer is on the the sweeter side for me but if you enjoy a beer that sits more on that side you should enjoy this one.

Commercial Description: The Belgian Gold is a complex and powerful ale but the flavouring is still delicate, made up of fruit, spice and estery tastes. The aroma is also spicey and fruity that comes from the Tettnanger hops, part of the Czech Saaz hops family.

Strathcona Gold – Strathcona Beer Company

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