Diaries Magazine

Strangers’ Hall

By Jackscott

A bitter east wind blew us into Strangers’ Hall with its unassuming entrance on Charing Cross. That’s Charing Cross in Norwich not its more celebrated twin in Central London from where all distances from the city are measured.

Strangers’ Hall

Strangers Hall Courtyard
Medieval Window
The Great Door

Home to wealthy merchants, sheriffs and mayors during Norwich’s textile heyday, Strangers’ Hall is so called in recognition of the ‘strangers’ – asylum-seeking weavers from the Low Countries who helped make Norwich rich during the Tudor period. It was a time when the English weren’t quite so mean to economic migrants – or at least understood their value. Tucked behind the busy street, the lovingly preserved building dates right back to 1320 and is a hotchpotch of inter-linked rooms dressed to impress like a period drama – Tudor, Stuart, Georgian and Victorian. You half expect Dames Judi, Maggie and Penelope to wander through in bonnets and bodices. It’s a great way to keep out of the cold and a bargain at just a fiver.

Here are a few momentos.

Jack and Liam Selfie
Jack in the Bush
Jack in the Room
Jack the Pawn Broker
Rocking Horse
The Dolls House
The Nursery
Victorian Parlour
Victorian Dining
Tudor Garden
Through the Looking Glass
The Tudor Hall
Grand Parlour
Georgian Dining
Stuart Desk
The Mews
Georgian Room
Stuart Bedroom
Jack in the Bed
Old Music
Medieval Dining

Liam likes his old bowls.

Cock Pot
Empty Pot

And his arty through the looking glass pics.

Liam in the Mirror
Round Mirror
Square Mirror
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