For Halloween The Butcher & Bullock in Downtown Vancouver held and event to celebrate. The event was called Strange Brews and was held on Friday October 28th.

Photo taken from Butcher & Bullock facebook page.
Tickets to the event cost $15 and inclucded on 14oz sleeve of one of the 4 feature beers. From that point sleeves of feature beers cost $5. There were 4 feature beers at the event including Rogue Ales Dead Guy Ale, Category 12 Brewing's Zombie Repentant Ale (The anti pumpkin beer), Parallel 49 Brewing Schadenfreude Pumpkin Lager and the Howe Sound Brewing Pumpkineater Imperial Pumpkin Ale.
Each brewery involved (Or Agent in the case of Dead Guy Ale with Copper & Theory and With Zombie Repellent Ale UnTapped) decorated their booths up in Halloween spirit. Category 12 Brewing / UnTapped did one better and themed their booth after Stranger Things the TV show.
For me the best booth was a two way tie. Both the Rogue Ales and Category 12 booths were epic! Also both booths had costumes to go with their booths.
Now every good Halloween Party has great costumes. This party was no different as there were so many great outfits.
This party was an epic time with 4 really tasty beers on offer and lots of great people to meet and hang out with. It was so much fun that I stayed out later than I have in years without even knowing that it had happened. That is always the sign of a good time!
If you have never heard of the Butcher & Bullock its time you checked out this pub.
The Butcher & Bullock
911 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC
[email protected]