As every creator, consultant, and brand clamors for attention in the marketplace, it's increasingly difficult to make your mark. There is no magic formula or silver bullet to instant authority and demand.
But there is one strategy that works better than all the others. Storytelling.
Telling tales and stories is the oldest form of human communication. Before there was Twitter, Netflix, Apple, typewriters, the printing press, and even stone tablets, there were stories and oracles.
Storytelling is how people have shared information, expressed ideas, and passed down family traditions from generation to generation. The purpose of storytelling is to educate, inspire, and connect, making it a powerful tool in the hands of any brand or marketer.
By the end, the hearer (or reader) feels they understand you a little better and know more about who you are. This is what helps you stand out from the competition in a crowded marketplace!
This is how you establish strong connections and build an engaged community of people who are interested in you and what you offer.
So, where do you start? And how can you make sure you do it well? Here are seven tips to help you articulate your story and elevate your brand.
Get Cozy With Your Audience Persona
Who are they? What's important to them? What language proves to them that you know what you're talking about?
Knowing these things about your target market will allow you to tailor your content to match them. You can easily zero in on your ideal audience and focus the intent of your story on what resonates with your people.
If you're trying to sell all things to all people, you will end up with a washed-out story and bland brand messaging. Low impact stories and messaging are what keep you invisible online. Craft your stories with a laser focus on your target audience.
Be Authentic
The highly airbrushed and rose-colored representation of online life is out. Raw, real, and unfiltered is in.
Most consumers can spot a fake pretty quickly. A misleading representation of you, your life, or your brand hurts your reputation and credibility among your market and ultimately costs you money.
Be honest with your audience and yourself. Don't just try to fake it till you make it and get your story twisted in order to make people who don't matter like you better. There is far more power in authentic, raw storytelling.

Keep Your Eye On Your Purpose
What's your big picture purpose? What do you want to achieve with your brand? What kind of mark do you want to make on the world? And what do you hope to accomplish with your story?
Share your story as influenced by these questions. This requires intention, planning, and content strategy. You're not just a person. You're a brand. Tie it all back to what you offer and the difference you can make in someone else's life.
Talk about the obstacles, the challenges, and how you overcame them to be where you are today. How are you going to leverage those stories to advance your purpose? Sharing your big-picture purpose inspires others to act and want to be part of your journey.
You'll Have To Get Vulnerable
Vulnerability is what makes great stories, but it takes courage. It shows you take risks and aren't afraid to show up as yourself, even if it's unflattering or unpleasant.
When you get vulnerable, you become relatable. You inspire a deeper level of trust and connection. Be yourself, always! No matter the circumstances or audience.
Your best clients, customers, and audience members will appreciate you all the more for your raw honesty. You want them to feel safe and secure doing the same with you. Be a vulnerability receptor!
Highlight Your Singularity
We all have a different story to tell. We've all been shaped by different backgrounds, cultures, upbringings, experiences, and stories. What sets you apart and makes your story unique is your superpower, it gives you flavor.
Your superpower adds value to those around you when you're not afraid to wield that power. If you want to stack up against your competitors in your industry, talk about what makes you different.
Share past experiences, struggles, and obstacles you had to overcome. How can your audience relate to the tale? What can they learn from your wins?
They should have a clear understanding of how you got here, why you do what you do, where you're going next, and why they should care.
You want them to see themselves and visualize their own struggle in your story. To see themselves overcoming their own obstacles, just like you did!

Frame The Hidden Gem
Without getting too preachy, you want to leave a gem in your story that helps your audience feel they got something out of it. It doesn't have to be any magnificent revelation, just a helpful concept framed as a lesson in a way only you could frame it.
Weave this theme throughout your story without seeming too forced. Make the connection more than once to drive your gem home.
Your big idea ties it all together and should give your audience something remarkably helpful or profound that will improve their business or their life. Value-infused stories are the most successful.
It's Time For Conversation
Open a dialogue by inviting others to share their story. Solidify the connection you've created and seal the bond of trust.
Actively listen, and don't try to push your agenda. See your audience as people, not just prospects. You must be a safe space for stories to create lasting relationships.

It's Storytime! Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out
The strength of storytelling and the power a well-told story wields is immeasurable. When you leverage stories to elevate your personal brand, you become bigger than your business.
People want to connect with you personally, not just as a faceless company. Tell your story. Create deep connections. Amplify your personal brand.
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This guest post was authored by Allison Todd

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.