Dream of a Strange Land by Graham Greene (1963).
Non Spoiler Summary
- Length: fifteen pages
- Genre: Literary fiction, thriller
- Summary: A man with leprosy, in search of his Eden, finds it full of false mirrors and spinning roulette tables.
As the red winter sun sank in early afternoon below the black firs the cars ggan to multiply upon the drive.
First Sentence
The house of the Herr Professor was screened on every side by the plantation of fir-trees which grew among great gray rocks.
What I learned About Writing
COlor: Graham does a fabulous job of using color to form his settings. I need to include more color into the creation of my worlds. The color brings the reader into the moment with such psychological depth that might not be created by any other effect.
- The Internet Movie Database lists 66 titles based on Greene material between 1934 and 2010.
- A catholic writer.
- Greene likes to set his stories in unusual places.
Where to Find It
I found the story from the collected stories of Graham Greene published by The Bodley Head and William Heinemann in London 1972.