This is a little story of a girl who will never forget meeting a group of ghosts as a kid.
She was seven when she saw the ghosts the first time.
There were about ten of them and though she wasn’t quite sure, she always thought they were on their way to some kind of a fancy dress party. This was what she wanted to believe.
One of the ghosts was always walking first. They had some kind of a hierarchy system. He was the best dressed of the men, wearing a royal suite from the twenties. She had never seen such big dresses that the women wore. They were beautiful and if the ghosts would’ve had other color than gray on them, the dresses would’ve been yellow, red, green and bright blue.
She was never scared of the ghosts. They were nothing but friendly and beautiful. After a while they didn’t appear every night, but every once in a while they would walk by her bedroom, entering the hallway from the bathroom and continuing the walk towards the living room. Never did she ever try to follow them, she never knew where they ended up going but she was sure it was somewhere exciting.
Her family moved out of the house they had built themselves when she was nine. She never saw the ghosts again will always remember them.