If anyone out there isn't convinced the Republican Party isn't in full-on self-destruct mode, check out these few headlines from yesterday afternoon---one day--alone. This first one knocked me out.
GOP Campaigns Will Reportedly Meet to Discuss Taking Debates Out of RNC Control
Read that again. Then think about it.
The GOP---the Republicans--are apparently going to have a meeting to discuss taking the organization and control of the presidential debates out of the control of the Republican National Committee.
Folks, that is stunning. And they can't blame it on having a token black man at the head of the RNC any more, either.
That is incredible, by itself. But there's more.
Mark Levin Trashes 'Incompetent' Reince Priebus: 'Should Be Fired!'
This has been going on for some time and I've noted and written on this before. The Right Wingers, whether in religion or Christianity or politics and government have to increasingly prove themselves the most extreme, the "furthest right/Right", the most fervent, the "closest to God."
It's disgusting. It's crazy and they "out crazy" each other doing it.
I show this next one because it shows how really awful the Republican candidates for the highest office in the nation and arguably the most powerful nation in the world really are.
Trump on Future Debates: 'Maybe Every Moderator Should Show That They Vote Republican'
And even Republicans are aware of how badly Republicans are doing and how they're handling their own campaigns for the White House.
Lindsey Graham on RNC's Handling of Debates: 'This Is Getting Pretty Bad' This last one isn't from yesterday but it shows where we, as a nation, have been going in recent years. And thank goodness.
Fewer People Identify As Republicans Now
It's enough to give a person hope.