Perdy had lesions on her ears that would not heal. We biopsied both of her ears, fearing that she had a form of skin cancer that is quite common in white cats. The biopsy for Perdy's ears is back.

We have good news! There was no evidence of cancer! (Happy cat dance!) Her biopsy revealed that all lesions were granulation tissue, a skin response to chronic inflammation due to her previous frostbite injuries. By eliminating the frostbitten edges, we have provided her ears with healthy edges that will not chronically bleed or be as easily traumatized.
Perdy's incisions are healing quite well. When her fur grows back in, her ear flaps or pinnae will be almost hidden making her look like a tiny baby white seal. She has gained 1.2 lbs, which is like 10 lbs to us! She is going to a foster home tomorrow, but she still does not have a forever family.
Thank you to D.E. and C. M. for helping pay for Perdy's medical care. Your contributions helped a lot and are very much appreciated!
If you are interested in adopting Perdy, fill out our adoption application at She is a happy, friendly, affectionate, well behaved cat, and she would love to be home.
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