According to tweets during Comic Con 2013…there was one book going around which I really, really wanted to buy! It was Steve Newlin’s Field Guide to Vampires (And Other Creatures of Satan). Thanks to True Blood & HBO, they shared a video of Michael McMillian (Steve Newlin) talking about this book and what he said in this video, makes me want it even MORE!
Why, you ask? Because there’s a section in it where Eric and Pam add in their own thoughts; mocking Steve and all the reverend used to stand for. I think think that alone would be HYSTERICAL! LOL
Check out the video below to find out more!
Of course, this book won’t be available until November 2013, but you can pre-order your copy through NOW!
I can’t wait to read what Eric and Pam said! LOL
Thoughts? Please share yours below!