Food & Drink Magazine

Steamed Pumpkin Muffins

By Vivianpangkitchen @vivianpangkitch
Steamed Pumpkin Muffins
It has been long time not making steamed cake. After read Kristy’s Steamed Pumpkin Muffins recipe, I knew I going to make it. It is healthy and easy to make! Love the light texture with the used of rice flour. This recipe is definitely a keeper for me.
Steamed Pumpkin Muffins
I seldom make steamed cake as worried of having “not rise” steamed cake which end up in Mr Bin. But this one is kind of safe recipe. Just remember not to over mix the batter, fill the batter up to the rim of paper cups and steam the muffins at high heat. Most likely you will be rewarded with “smilling” steamed pumpkin muffins !Steamed Pumpkin Muffins
Recipe adapted form KristySteamed Pumpkin MuffinsIngredients :(A)160g pumpkin puree1 egg60g castor sugar (reduce from 80g)80ml milk50ml vegetable oil (replace melted butter)
(B)100g all-purpose flour100g rice flour½ cup raisins (roughly chopped)2 teaspoons baking powder½ teaspoon baking soda
Method :1. Add all ingredients (A) into a mixing bowl. Whisk till combined.
2. Sift in dry ingredients and fold with spatula till form thick batter.
3. Fill batter into muffin cups up to the rim. Bring water to rapid boiled, place in muffins and steamed at high heat for 15 minutes.
4. Off the heat and leave the muffins inside steamer for about 5 minutes before open the lid.
Happy Steaming!

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