I’ve always been a little wild. Wild, crazy, I guess that can be left open for interpretation… But my point is, I’ve always been my own person. A free spirt, sometimes going against the crowd and floating in the wind like a dandelion. Rules were never my thing and even though I followed them (most of the time), I felt that there was always a way to challenge them. Like everything could be argued and most of the time, I won. My dad still insists I should have been a lawyer, but I’ll save those stories for another day.

For being as independent as I am, it’s weird that I was in a relationship for most of my younger years. I had a serious boyfriend in high school (as serious as you can get in high school) and two boyfriends in college. One of those relationships wasn’t very serious while the other was extremely serious. And up until that point, breaking up was probably the most traumatic event of my life. When I met Z and he joined the military, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Having him deploy while I was pregnant and then deploy again while I stayed home with two kids was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.
But at the end of the day, I don’t regret any of my decisions back then. Because had I not been in those relationships, who knows if I would have had the same experiences I did. In fact, I definitely wouldn’t have. Because those were the paths I was on at the time and had I not been, I would have been a completely different person today.
Life has a funny way of working itself out, doesn’t it? There are ups and downs and sunshine and rain clouds. But at the end of the day, I truly believe we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be. And we’re the exact person we’re supposed to be. The beauty of life? We have choices. We can change our paths or change who we are if we want to. I’ll never forget my fourth grade teacher telling us “you only HAVE to do two things in life; pay taxes and die.” And while obviously there are a few more things we have to do, his point was that we make our own choices. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to.
I’ve always been a little wild. I’m loud, opinionated, and like to make jokes. I try and keep situations light, I don’t like confrontation, yet if something is on my mind I will tell you. I’m sometimes quick to anger, I can be a little hyper, and I’m a hot mess sometimes. But that’s me… wild and I’m okay with that

This tee came from Qtee. It was completely customizable and they have so many fun sayings and shirts to choose from. Remember this super fun donut tee I posted? Also from there. And I chose every color all the way down to the sprinkles

I hope you all have a great weekend! I am so glad to be back in Georgia and hopefully getting my life together over the next few days. My apologies for any comment or email that’s gone without a response. I promise, I’ll get to it ASAP

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