Life continues on at break-neck pace despite my lack of blogging. The new job is great but I have a big learning curve and I find that while I’m enjoying my days I come home and I’m exhausted before the lather-rinse-repeat cycle begins. I’ve been traveling for work as well, which has totally shifted our usual family dynamic but all family members seem to be doing well and happy despite the many transitions.
The weather has finally been giving us glimpses of spring- we’ve had open windows in our house for a few days- and that has done so much to lift my general mood. We took Gracie to REI to get fitted for a “bike hat” (note: she calls regular hats “head costumes”) in anticipation of letting her take her wheels for a spin on the sidewalk. We got the helmet with a watermelon print on it, which just tickles my fancy entirely too much. Bonus: the style of helmet means we can put it to use next winter when we take her ice skating!

With my new work schedule leaving us less time to do things as a family during the week, we’ve been packing our weekends incredibly full. Zoo trips, nature museum trips, grocery store runs as a family (it doesn’t hurt that Gracie has made friends with the spice lady at our grocer who gives her samples of yogurt covered pretzels and fawns over her), walks to the park and general merriment. B and I have had a few more dates, both as a couple and with couple-friends and I’m so glad they are a regular feature for us. Sure, we spend lots of time talking about Gracie, but we also talk about a million other things and enjoy being able to enjoy each other. We celebrate our 6 year anniversary this fall and I’m still really glad he’s my one.
All in all, things are good. We have fresh sheets on the bed, a breeze blowing through the house, a sleeping toddler, and a full calendar for the next few months. What more can you ask for?
(Amazon links are affiliate, same old same old)