Arts & Crafts Magazine

Stationery Swap Goodies

By Leonied
In April I signed up for Lisa's Stationery Swap... Gosh that seems a long time ago!!
My partner was Kerrie from One Paisley Apple.  She was happy to be "surprised" in terms of style and colours so I had a field day at Typo selecting items I hoped she would enjoy as I really liked them!
Here's what was sent:
Stationery Swap Goodies
A lovely journal, magnetic peg memo holder, wooden initial, pen, hello kitty bulldog clips, gift/note cards, animal post it tags.
Stationery Swap Goodies
All wrapped up in different fabric along with some lollies and chocolate.
Stationery Swap Goodies
And here is what I received from Kerrie:
Stationery Swap Goodies
Lovely goodies contained in a vintage tablecloth and a handmade brooch or hairclip.
Stationery Swap Goodies
A journal, coloured markers(!) notepads, cards, tags and bookmarks with a lollipop for each of the girls.
Stationery Swap Goodies
Thanks Lisa for hosting the swap and thanks Kerrie for our lovely goodies!  They've been put to good use already!
Have you joined any great swaps lately?
L xx

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