5,500 year old Sumerian Star Map
We are, as usual, indebted to the Sumerians (see above) and Mesopotamians for starting this practice. A practice that developed through the ages until it was recorded in the First Dictionary of the Nomenclature of Celestial Objects in 1983, that there well over 1,000 different naming systems then in use, mostly for faint objects studied by professionals. Its editors despaired of the list ever being made orderly, reasonable, or complete.In 2016, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) organized a Working Group on Star Names (WGSN) to catalog and standardize proper names for stars. Composed of an international group of astronomers, the WGSN is expected first to delve into worldwide astronomical history and culture, with the aim of cataloguing traditional star names, and approving unique star names with standardised spellings.In 2019, the IAU organised its IAU 100 NameExoWorlds campaign to name exoplanets and their host stars. An additional two star names were approved on 4 April 2022. In June 2023 an additional 20 names where approved in the NameExoWorlds 2022 campaign bringing the current total to 471 named stars.But hang on, I can hear some folk say, there are companies that advertise they will name a star after you or a loved one for about £50. You get a certificate and papers.
A myriad of stars in the constellation of Virgo (seen via the James Webb telescope)
Name-It-Yourself Stars Are a Hoax.With just as much validity, you can step outside on a clear night, choose any star you like, and name it for anyone you want. For free.One of the companies advertises that it keeps the star names in a Swiss bank vault, as if that means something. If that appeals to you, you can put a piece of paper with a star name in your own bank's safe-deposit box.Only the IAU can officially name stars, and that’s it. So these companies will, most likely, sell you the same star they have already sold a hundred times over. Who’s going to check?
There isn’t one single thing about it that you couldn’t do yourself. Pick a star at random, name it, Google a star map to it, print that out on nice paper, mount it in a nice frame with a nice matte board.Sometimes planetariums "sell" stars on their domes to help raise needed funds. They are careful to tell donors that the certificate they get denotes a contribution to a worthy institution, not the purchase of a real star name.

The Pleiades (seen through binoculars)
I rather fancy a ‘named’ star in the Pleiades as it’s one of the only constellations I can recognize.The PleiadesBy day you cannot see the sky
For it is up so very high.
You look and look, but it's so blue
That you can never see right through.
But when night comes it is quite plain,
And all the stars are there again.
They seem just like old friends to me,
I've known them all my life you see.
There is the dipper first, and there
Is Cassiopeia in her chair,
Orion's belt, the Milky Way,
And lots I know but cannot say.
One group looks like a swarm of bees,
Papa says they're the Pleiades;
But I think they must be the toy
Of some nice little angel boy.
Perhaps his jackstones which to-day
He has forgot to put away,
And left them lying on the sky
Where he will find them bye and bye.
I wish he'd come and play with me.
We'd have such fun, for it would be
A most unusual thing for boys
To feel that they had stars for toys! Amy Lowell (1874-1925)Thanks for reading, Terry Q. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook