The word “illuminati” is the plural form of the Latin word illuminatus, which means “enlightened.” The Oxford Dictionary defines “enlighten” as to “shed light” and to “give greater knowledge and understanding.”
With a capital “I,” the word Illuminati can refer to:
1. The Order of the Illuminati — a secret society founded in Bavaria by a German philosopher named Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830) during the European Enlightenment on May 1, 1776, to oppose “superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women’s education and gender equality.” Modeled on the Free Masons, the Bavarian Illuminati was outlawed 7 years later in 1785, but its critics believed the secret society had regrouped and masterminded the bloody French Revolution. [Source: Wikipedia]
2. In contemporary use, “Illuminati” mainly refers to a secret satanic elitist group that some (like writers Mark Dice, David Icke, Texe Marrs) say is linked to the original Bavarian Illuminati, which conspires to control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations to establish a New World Order. This Illuminati is satanic, having the fallen angel Lucifer as their master. (The Old English origin of “Lucifer“ is Latin, meaning “morning star” or “light-bringing”. Lux or lucmeans “light”; -fer means “bearing”.)
Illuminati Symbols
In popular culture, the eye and the pyramid — or the eye inside a pyramid — are said to be iconic symbols of the Illuminati.
Whether or not the eye and the pyramid were symbols of the historical Bavarian Illuminati, they unquestionably are used today to symbolize the conspiratorial NWO Illuminati — what Vigilant Citizen calls “the occult elite”. By intentional design, both symbols — especially the one eye — are employed by many Hollywood pop culture entertainers like Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Rihanna, and TV shows like Pretty Little Liars.
Below is an example — Beyonce flashing the sign of the one-eye-in-pyramid, with her satanist husband Jay-Z. (go to Vigilant Citizen for more pics).
Now comes pictorial evidence that the new Star Wars movie that already has record advanced ticket sales although it won’t debut in cinemas until December 14, has gone to the Illuminati dark side.
Vigilant Citizen reports, Nov. 5, 2015, that “Disney released five character posters promoting the highly anticipated movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. All five of them prominently feature the one-eye sign, indicating that the movie is part of the elite’s Agenda.”
My guess is this is Luke Skywalker
Vigilant Citizen points out that the Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in 2012, and therefore can mold the planned three new Star Wars movies to its liking, and that:
Knowing Disney, its ramifications and its elite ties, you better believe that the “messages” in these new movies will closely conform to the occult elite’s Agenda. The new character posters released by Disney are early proof of this fact. Every one of them – the good guys and bad guys – feature one eye clearly hidden by a weapon. No matter what side they’re on, they’re owned by the elite.
In my series of articles Symbolic Pics of the Month, I regularly highlight the one-eye sign in popular culture as its omnipresence reflects the stronghold of the occult elite has on mass media. It is their sign. In the case of Star Wars, things take giant proportions due to the extreme anticipation of the new movie, the series’ massive fan base and the fact that die-hard fans will embrace every piece of media associated with the movie. In short, it is yet another step into turning popular culture into one big tool of propaganda for the occult elite.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is directed, co-produced and co-written by J. J. Abrams. On October 10, 2015, Abrams hosted a “$33,400 a ticket” fundraiser in his home for the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, in which Obama talked “passionately” about the need for gun control. The fundraiser raised over $750,000. (Breitbart).
Abrams is an observant Jew who’s married to an Irish Catholic woman. He said, “I do consider myself Jewish, and I take my kids to services on holidays because that is something really important to me.” (Jewish Journal)
The chairman and CEO of Walt Disney Company is Robert Allen “Bob” Iger, 64, who “was born to a Jewish family, in New York city, New York.” Iger’s wife, his second marriage, is also a Roman Catholic. (Wikipedia)
See also:
- Disney’s 666
- Illuminati eye symbol in Sandy Hook charity poster
- Kmart goes Illuminati Satanic