Art & Design Magazine

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By Jay Montgomery @jaymontgomery

Integer at mattis lectus. Curabitur eget neque at nisi malesuada ultrices ac quis eros. Sed massa dui, ultrices nec dapibus in, iaculis vitae magna. Nulla facilisi. Mauris rhoncus scelerisque nisl, nec bibendum nisl interdum non. Aliquam gravida dui eu libero.

Donec lectus velit, adipiscing sed sollicitudin ut, rutrum vel odio. Duis vitae dolor eros . Praesent condimentum euismod sapien, in semper ligula porta a. Vestibulum venenatis iaculis nibh quis condimentum. Aliquam porta orci gravida elit tempus et tempor nisl mattis. Mauris rhoncus congue scelerisque . Sed dignissim semper nisl, ut rutrum turpis interdum interdum. Integer tincidunt tempor leo, vel blandit mauris dictum vitae. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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I have known from the first time I picked up a crayon that I wanted to be an artist. In 1992, I received Bachelor of Arts with honors with concentrations in Graphic Design, and Drawing & Painting from LaGrange College in LaGrange, Georgia. Right after that I attended the Illustration program at Portfolio Center in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating in 1994 winning several awards and honors. Worked as an on staff illustrator for a small design firm for a year and a half, then struck out on my own. Now for the past 18+ years I have tremendously enjoyed being able to pursue my love for art professionally as a freelance illustrator. I work/play from my home studio near Atlanta, GA. I have over 20 years computer graphics experience and I am fluent in all of the Adobe Creative Suite 4, Painter 10, Poser 7, and the latest hardware, all of which is in my studio. My image problem solving takes many forms that fit the clients needs. By combining various situations and objects into bold and interesting angles I am able to convey clear ideas to the viewer in a realistic manner. Most of my early work is in oils, but now I can achieve a similar look which is much faster and easily edited in the computer using my own special digital techniques. When I'm not illustrating, I love spending time with my family. I also enjoy doing home improvement projects discussing current news events, pop culture, bike riding and watching movies.

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