So today I thought I'd share with you a cute and festive St. Patty's Day wreath. I'm not Irish, but I do consider myself lucky!

Take your green scraps and rip or cut 2 inch strips.

Hot glue the end of one strip and start wrapping your wreath.

Add hot glue every so often and continue to wrap your wreath until it's all covered.

Using a knit jersey like fabric (it doesn't have to be, just as long as it's a light and flowy fabric), an old t-shirt works great, cut out 3 inch circles.

I'm not sure how many I used, but I'm guessing about 15-20. Also, your circles don't have to be perfect since it won't matter.

With each circle piece, add a dab of glue in the center.

Then bunch the fabric at the center point with your fingers.

This will make small gathered pieces like this.

Start gluing them onto the bottom corner of your wreath, keeping them fairly close together.

You can make your ruffled bunch as big or as small as you like. This is what you'll create.

Now get to your small scraps.

Cut small triangle pieces out of a few different fabrics and cut a piece of thin ribbon about 12 inches in length (also depends on the width of your wreath).

Glue along the top of the back of your triangle.

Attach the ribbon along the top.

Keep attaching your traingle pieces along the piece of your ribbon. You should only need about 5 or 6 triangles on your mini bunting.

Hot glue the two ends of the bunting onto the wreath. Then trim your ribbon ends.

Using your felt scraps and a template of a shamrock (I used my kiddo's foam stickers, but here's a good template), trace and cut them out.

I did a smaller size out of the white felt as well.

Now hot glue each shamrock to the ends of the bunting.

Then glue the white ones on top.

And that's it!

Now you have yourself a St. Patty's Day wreath!