Title: Bioshock Infinite
Format: Xbox 360/PS3/PC
Release Date: 3/26/13
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Irrational Games
Price: $59.99
ESRB Rating: M
Are you afraid of God? No, I'm afraid of you.
Bioshock Infinite is a first-person shooter video and the third installment in the Bioshock series. Previously known as "Project Icarus", it has been developed by Irrational Games and was released worldwide on the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 platforms on March 26, 2013. Bioshock Infinite is not part of the story line of previous Bioshock games but features similar gameplay concepts and themes.

Gameplay: As much as the game is visually beautiful and weird, it's fun. You receive a skyhook which allows you fly around Columbia on the sky line. It works very well and open new opportunities for travel and combat. There are an abundance of guns and vigors that can be used for combat. Vigors similar to the Plasmids of the original Bioshock,Youwill be able to gain special powers through vigors, which provide a unique ability. You can only use vigors when you have enoughSalts, a limited resource displayed by a blue meter on the bottom left of the screen. Like Eve in the original Bioshock, Salts power the use of vigors, and an empty meter means no powers can be used until you find more. Elizabeth during combat works very well also. You do not have to look after her when in battle because she can hold her own. In fact, while you are fighting she takes cover, or searches the area for Salt, Health, or Ammo and can throw it to you when pressing a button. She finds what you are usually in need of most. This comes in handy very often. As I mentioned the new option the press up on the D-pad for an arrow to show you which direction to go, Elizabeth follows it automatically. The final battle is beyond ridiculous but is possible if played right.

S&S Rating: 9.5/10