Fashion Magazine

Spring Trend: Graphic in Black + White

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz
Spring Trend: Graphic in Black + White This post is dedicated to Thorne Garnet, Georgia peach, +40 blogger, and "weird doll" collector.
You may have read all about this zany "new fashion trend" hitting the sidewalks, and it's called mixing black with white. I know, gah, it's REVOLUTIONARY. An absolute novel idea, never been thunk up before. In fact, you reading this, this is probably the first time you've even heard about it. The TREND. Of Black and White. 
Uh. Um. Yeah. Right. 

Spring Trend: Graphic in Black + White

Fashion Frocks from History: 1840s, 1960s, 1960s as 1930s, 1950s, 1980s. It's Black and White. All Over.

From the 1840s (and before) to 2012, there has been quite a bit of black and white prints being mixed, as the images gleaned from the interwebs (and from various eras) can illustrate. Black and white,  black WITH white, however you put it, has been paired together before. And I assure you, when this hooplah about it being a new trend dies down, it will still be put together and mixed again. 
Spring Trend: Graphic in Black + White

Ain't nothin' new. (<--declares the girl who refuses to keep her apostrophes to a minimum)

But, it always looks fresh.

Spring Trend: Graphic in Black + White

Spring Trend: Graphic in Black + White

Dont Call It A Come Back. It's been here for YEARS.

Maybe that's what they mean, by calling it "a trend." 

Here I am, parading about in this new-fangled combo. Mixing the revolutionary polka dots with the hot-off-the-presses stripes. Throwing in some chevron stripes for shits and giggles. Note the awesome cork wedges- they were got from Nordstrom last year, and I am dying for a bit of sun to wear them outside this spring. W-A-I-T-I-N-G. Forever. 

Also waiting for this new media trend of announcing classic fashion standbys (like leopard, like paisley, like stripes) to stop being called "Trends." And just start being called awesome.

If I may defer to the wisdom of the L.L. Cool J: Don't call it a comeback, it's been here for years.

So here's to the UN-TRENDS. Here's to dressing and feeling gorgeous in tried-and-true style combinations, like black and white. Don't hype the stripes; just enjoy dressing as YOU. I hope the real Spring trend is that more and more women of all sizes, shapes and ages are celebrating themselves with their personal beauty and style.
May your day today is beautiful and colorful, regardless of what you're wearing. 

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