Expat Magazine

Spring in Paris – The Contrasts

By Becomingmadame @BecomingMadame

A week ago, or maybe a little more now, we had one of the largest consecutive snow storms we’ve had in years. The sky over Paris opened and we were just plummeted. It snowed for seven days and seven nights… no, I’m joking, for about 48 hours, though, paralyzing poor little unaccustomed Paris!

A week later, or maybe its been 10 days, we had one of the most beautiful spring days yet! Gorgeous blue sky, 8 degrees (mid 40s), the sun would not stop smiling down upon us.

Here’s a peek at how temperamental early Parisian springtime can be!

You’d think it was the middle of a bleak January week:

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And then it’s almost April, with a lovely rainbow to accentuate the difference:

Feb March 2013 106

Feb March 2013 107

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