Play music and I'm off - feet tapping, body moving - and I'm likely to be up dancing in seconds. Any type of dancing, I like to give it a go. I laughingly tell friends that I'd do the " Wah toosie " long as I can participate.
I haven't skated for a few months now as I found I was getting dizzy when spinning. I'd finish the spin and find the rink still revolving ! Also I still love to jump and even telling myself that I'm just going to skate round sedately, or do a bit of ice , I'm still hankering to leap about ! Springs in my feet !
As a teenager and into my 20's I took up trampolining. I absolutely LOVED it ! I tell a secret here ....I have a trampette in the garage and often have a surreptitious bounce . In fact I hanker after a trampoline in the garden !!
As you all know by now I do a lot of hillwalking and am usually out at least twice a week. I shun the use of a stick ( although I carry one folded up ) preferring to use my own balance and if necessary use hands, knees and occasional backside movements to achieve a scramble ! Jumping streams, muddy areas and the like is a great delight to me.
Why, just recently I've twice run for the bus, quite forgetting that I am getting that much older. Without a second thought I've heard the bus coming and taken off hell for leather down the pavement. The first time the passengers gave me a cheer!The second time the bus driver was gobsmacked when I handed over my bus pass, and he told me I was"awesome". I just don't think !!
I firmly believe that every park ought to have 'play' equipment for adults. We tend to forget the joy involved in play, and I look enviously on when I see children enjoying the apparatus in a playground. Actually I have been known to sneak onto some of the equipment and have a go. I've enjoyed a winter time 'swing' at Stanah Country Park. I've slid down a slide in Melrose. I've had a go in the adventure play area in Slaidburn. Joy of joy I found an adult recreation area in Settle.
I have a push along adult scooter and whizz up and down the prom, or the coastal path at Knott End...even up the Dunsop Valley .Kids shout " show us some tricks granny " ...and one day I might !!

My poem this week is related to walking and I wrote it in 1989......I found it untitled..
Show me a track, Put a pack on my back And the open fields before me. Then off I shall trek All you'll see is a speck, For I shall be off and free.
Give me fresh air The wind in my hair The mountain tops before me. And away I shall speed Dressed all in my tweed For I shall be off and free.
Give me a good map Some soup and a bap And the open glens before me. Then away I shall stalk Gone far, for a walk For I shall be off and free.
Give me stout boots For I'll never take roots Within the valleys before me For away I shall stride, My dog at my side For I shall be off and free.
Give me a stout stick And I'll be off quick Down the road before me. For I'll never turn back From the wide open tract For I shall be off and free.
Thanks for reading .....Kath
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