Fashion Magazine

Spring Favourites, Part One

By Heidi @missfinn

I promised you a selection of my favourites (so far anyway) from New York Fashion Week and here they are…

Spring favourites, part one

Marc Jacobs Spring 2013 – loving the head scarf!

Spring favourites, part one

Marc Jacobs Spring 2013 – mixing prints and I am so into skirts at the moment, I love these skirts with pockets – a skirt must have pockets. Period.

Spring favourites, part one

Marc Jacobs Spring 2013 – loving the mix of orange, pink and gray.

Spring favourites, part one

Zac Posen Spring 2013, sexy and ultra feminine.

Spring favourites, part one

Zac Posen Spring 2013, I love navy!

Spring favourites, part one

Suno Spring RTW Spring 2013, this whole collection was delicate in detail and design.

Spring favourites, part one

A coy Victoria Beckham at the end of her Spring 2013 show.

I will try to get the next installment of my collections favourites to you very soon. I am way behind in reading my RSS feeds, I have sooo many to catch up on, over 800 – it’s ridiculous, how will I ever?? But I must if I am deliver my next selection of favourites from fashion week! I hope you have had a wonderful weekend! xx

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