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Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes

By Thedreamery

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup BrushesSpring is upon us, and don’t get me started on how much I love spring cleaning! I mean yes, I’ll clean the house, change out linens for warmer days, and do the major things the experts like Martha are so good at, but I also clean and tackle the smaller things that often get overlooked on a daily basis. You wash your face every day, you take a shower, wash your clothes, but do you clean your makeup brushes as often?

Washing your makeup brushes should be a regular part of your beauty routine, as washing your face is. Bits of makeup, oil, dirt, and even bacteria get trapped in the bristles of your brushes, so although you might not even think twice about it, skipping this clean habit could be the reason for your clogged pores and annoying breakouts. You spend good money on quality makeup brushes, which can become expensive, so taking proper care and cleaning them ensures you’re not wasting your investment. I’ve had my set of makeup brushes for a few years now, but they still apply my makeup just like the day I first bought them.

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes

Don’t worry cleaning your makeup brushes is quite simple and quick. Every day, or few days, use a daily brush cleaner by simply spritzing it on after you’ve applied your makeup. {I love this extremely affordable one from e.l.f} It’s recommended to give your brushes a good deep clean at least every month {if not every week} but if you don’t have the time or forget, make sure you do clean them at the beginning of every season, which is when I typically clean mine. If you haven’t cleaned your brushes in some time, do so now, you’ll instantly see how differently your makeup goes and stays on!

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes

You’ll Need

  • A small bowl
  • Gentle Shampoo {I used this organic one}
  • Your Sink
  • A lint free cloth

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes
Run your brushes under warm water to rinse off any residual makeup. Focus on the bristles, and try to avoid the part of the brush where the handle meets the head {this can loosen the glue over time}.

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes
Fill the bowl with warm water, a squirt of shampoo, and gently swirl your brush tip in the water, rubbing the bristles against the side of the bowl. Do this until you see most of the makeup run clear from the brush {you’ll notice this on brushes you use dark eye shadows or bronzer}.

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes
Rinse the tip under water once again, until the water runs clear. Do this same technique for cleaning eyelash curlers, remembering to replace the rubber, and eyebrow combs.

Wipe your brush clean, reshaping the bristles as you go. Lay brushes flat on a cloth to dry completely.

Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes
Look at how dirty that water is, and it’s just from one brush!
Spring Cleaning How To: Makeup Brushes
How easy was that! You’re probably wondering why you haven’t done it as often before, and no need to invest in professional cleaners, a clarifying shampoo or baby one will work just as good. When I clean my brushes, I also tend to give my eyeshadows, and any other makeup I use, a nice cleaning as well. Hope you find this spring cleaning helpful!


Now take a look at your makeup brushes, do they need some spring cleaning and care?

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