Books Magazine

#SpreadTheLove Linky Time

Posted on the 17 May 2015 by Cheekymeeky

How’s everyone doing this week? Last week’s link up was fairly quiet, I suppose everyone was busy with Mother’s Day?

Anyway last week’s popular link up was Maggie’s What Speed do you Read? post talking about a fun quiz where you can measure your reading speed. Do check it out.

This week’s link-up is now active. You can sign up below this post.

Also do make sure you follow my blog to get link-up notifications. Follow buttons are on the sidebar.


How it works: Basically, you pick one of your favorite posts, from the past week or even earlier, and link up. Go check out some of the other interesting posts featured in the link-up.

I”ll promote my favorite posts through Twitter and Pinterest. I’ll also feature the most clicked-on link the following week. And you can grab a button to help Spread the Love and brag if you’ve been featured, too!

#SpreadTheLove Linky Time
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