When True Blood ended their run this past August, we knew we were going to miss it. Granted we all have different perspectives on what will be missed the most (for most of us its the Viking hands down), but we all agreed on missing one other thing: the Happily Ever After.
In true creative fashion after the episode, fanfic writers took up their pens and keyboards to help right the wrong. Via one shots or a multi chapter, for a contest or just because.
When Kjwrit started posting her 3 part foray into the TB universe with her “Confessions“, I waited patiently to see how she would get our favorites to their HEA.
And she did not disappoint. She actually helped fill a void for me because I could see it going down exactly how she wrote it.
But as Evie said after she read it… If only.

If you haven’t read it yet, I do recommend it. Along with everything else she has written as she is one of my favorite authors… even when her muse runs away on vacation :)