Since our science co-op was the day before Halloween we had a party.
Katie and her boys made this yummy cake she found on Pinterest.
The children played 'Grab the Ghost". This was so much fun! First, we made ghosts out of tissue paper, tied string around each one and then wrote a number (1-6) on the ghost. Then, my teen-aged helper Danielle rolled the dice and tried to capture the ghost with the matching number (using a funnel Aiden decorated) before they pulled it off the board. You can learn how to make this game at Family Fun.
They played 'Great-Pumpkin May I'. They really loved this game (even the older ones) and They wanted to play a few times. Cole is enjoying his role as the great pumpkin on the left and Molly is taking one giant leap forward in the pic on the right.
Zombie tag! We used clothes pins to attach a paper 'brain' to each child's shirt. One child was chosen to be the zombie and if they stole someones brain they became a zombie too. The last player who still had their brain was the winner.
The children ran a three-legged monster relay. Lots of giggles and a few spills!
They also played 'Toss the Eyes on the Ghost". We bought a pack of sticky eyeballs in the Halloween section of Target for $1 and then drew a ghost on poster board. We taped it to the opposite side of the glass so it would stick to the glass. The children took turns tossing the eyeballs:)
They played the 'Roll a Pumpkin' game I posted in my Fall Fun post. Thanks Happy Home Fairy!
Aiden and Elle decorated a small oatmeal container and we filled it with spooky words and everyone took turns acting them out.
Happy Halloween:)