Everybody knows the answer now: Just look at the figures... Anyway, I promised in one of my previous posts (HERE) that after watching both series, I'd tell you which MY winner between Spooks 10 and Downton Abbey 2 was . Before they started broadcasting the new series, if asked to choose between them, I would answer ... like someone else (HERE): that it was a real dilemma to me. Now Spooks has finished and we won't be asked to choose any longer. Only, am I really eager to see the next season of Downton Abbey? *****Full of doubts. *****Spooks has been one of my best favorite TV shows for so long and it remained such till its very end, a couple of weeks ago.
Downton Abbey attracted my attention last year in November while I was in London because the Christmas DVD box or its publicity was almost everywhere. My fondness for period drama didn't let me resist. I had to see it! And it was a very pleasant discovery: amusing, light, well-acted, beautiful faces, beautiful costumes and locations.Now, first of all I think it was tremendously unfair and unjust to broadcast the two series on the same day and at the same time, so this resulting rivalry is the absurd consequence of that big mistake.
Secondly, I know that it may sound incorrect to compare such different produtcts since they actually were/are basically different in so many aspects. But BBC and ITV wanted, if not a duel, a match. So, let's give them one.
Which one will have had longer life before its end for good? I bet Downton Abbey won't get to its 10th series and if that should ever happen, I don't think I'll be among its faithful, loyal watchers.Why?

I won't discuss plot and twists in detail here, since I don't want to give away much to those who still have to see it. However, I want to ask those who watched it, what was there that you hadn't already seen and heard - and not only once - in your careers as TV watchers? Very little, it's my first answer. But thinking on a few seconds more, I'd be more precise: nothing.Do I sound disappointed? I know many of you ( Do you remember? Numbers and figures are on that side) wouldn't agree but I certainly expected much more.

The scriptwriters had betrayed my favorite character in the previous series with a rather implausible unexpected twist (the Lucas North / John Bateman storyline ). So, you see, I can see the wrongs wherever they are. I'm not totally biased. But Spooks remained intelligent, low-badget, political drama.
Downton Abbey deranged from the path of costume drama, instead. Costume drama can be very good when it doesn't become like the fiction I stopped watching on Italian commercial TV long ago. This is why I watch good British period drama. But was Downton Abbey so much different from what I rejected?
OK. Stop with the ramblings. It's time to open the final match. Yes, you got it right. Open, not closing. Are you ready? If you saw them both or even just one ... Cast your votes! I'd like to hear from you. Vote or leave your opinion commenting this post. I'd be glad to discuss the victory of Downton Abbey over Spooks according to the audience ratings as well as the victory of Spooks on Downton Abbey in my heart.
I'd like to hear from you. Vote or leave your opinion commenting this post. I'd be glad to discuss the victory of Downton Abbey over Spooks according to the audience ratings as well as the victory of Spooks on Downton Abbey in my heart.