Entertainment Magazine

Spoiler Chat: Watch w/Kristin!

Posted on the 17 January 2012 by Bittersweet1975 @onceupon_fans

Oh, well, well, well… Look what Kristin says about the handsome stranger:

tiffanyrush: Anything on Once Upon a Time!
Prepare to meet Jefferson, a former criminal in the fairy-tale world who is extremely handsome. (Aren’t all TV criminals?) In Storybrooke, he’s a mysterious figure who is in the know about a certain curse and attempts to sway Emma (Jennifer Morrison) into believing as well.   (wait, what? he’s a BELIEVER?)

fotreya: Something about Once Upon a Time, about Snow and Charming! Any scoop?
David (Josh Dallas) is about to make a big decision regarding his love life that should make David and Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwinvery happy. (YESSSSSSS!!)

NB: italics are mine!

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