Philosophy Magazine

Split, 4-7 July 2017: Summer School on Space and Time in Physics and Philosophy

By Wuthrich

The University of Split will be hosting a summer school on space and time in physics and philosophy, to take place in Split, 4-7 July 2017. There will be a joint conference on space, time, and causality in physics and philosophy on 6-7 July 2017. For more information, please visit

This school is dedicated to the following question: How are the basic concepts in physics developed? Among these concepts, space and time have a particular position, being the most fundamental and the most difficult to seize, in the same time. All physical phenomena are represented by space and time coordinates; nevertheless, there are still controversies concerning their relation to reality, between substantialism and relationism.

The approach of this School is to follow the historical development, from classical mechanics, through electrodynamics, theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, with special accent on quantum gravitation. Special interest of the School is the presence of physicists and philosophers working actively in this field. There are still important controversies concerning the real achievements in quantum gravitation and the question of the change of the perception of reality through this theory.

To participate, please write to Franjo Sokolić at or Irena Bitunjac at


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