What is spirituality? What does it mean to live a spiritual life? Once you have a group of people that the word spirituality means that were asked. The answers, but certainly are important to them, are not, in most cases, give an idea of the search for a spiritual lifestyle. They gave such definitions and ldquo; get in touch with my higher self, & quot; And ldquo; something to do with God, the Creator and spirit, and rdquo; And ldquo; be careful, my neighbor, & quot; And ldquo; something indefinable, but very real, and rdquo; And ldquo; an altered state of mind, when suddenly I am no longer in this world, & quot; And ldquo; the feeling that something is charging about me, and rdquo; And ldquo; Connect with my inner truth, & quot; and ldquo; something I feel when and rsquo; m outdoors in nature. & Quot;
Many of us think of the mysterious spirituality or way out of our reach, something internal or hidden, or something related to a higher power. Therefore, we believe that to be spiritual, we must eliminate the needs of daily life. But in the same needs is the essence of spirituality. You make a spiritual life is to take responsibility in the most primitive level for us. This means that we are firmly rooted in reality, and the development of an understanding of what we are and how we relate to our environment. The following story illustrates this.
During the Depression, there was a family with two children. Although the work was found too heavy, man has a job and returned at the end of his first day with a bag full of groceries found. The woman told food into four equal portions and everyone ate. They confirmed the doctrine of and ldquo; Share and share alike, & quot; to believe that if they made the and ldquo; well, and rdquo; The family will be answered. The next day, the next day, and the next day the food in the same way were distributed. This lasted seven days, but then, on the eighth day, the husband came home with his bag of mid foods. It had not been rsquo; t had enough energy throughout the day to work. The next day, he was sick and could not work. Soon after, the whole family died.
In another village there was another family with two children. The man also took home a bag full every day with food. The woman took half of the food and is divided into three parts, including himself and feeds her children. The other half, which gave her husband. The next day, the next day, and the next day she did the same. Much later, when depression is more, the family had survived.
Women in the first family has not taken responsibility for his family and rsquo; Survival, but also given the responsibility of a & ldquo; more & quot; The power. She followed the blind dogma he had learned as a child and never really asked that question. Didn and rsquo; t occur to consider its practical result. By contrast, women in the second group went against the popular and ldquo education; Share and share alike, & quot; recognize that in this situation, their use would have catastrophic consequences. His decision was a selfish one; I knew that if her husband was well fed, which can provide for themselves and their children will continue. His desire, his family and to make rsquo; Survival, even if it meant the rejection of traditional moral values, is a true sign of spirituality.
The idea that the understanding of spirituality begins at the primary level, and not a high or & ldquo; more & quot; The level can be represented in a different way. Consider a forest. If we overlook the trees, we can see the foliage. To really see the forest, but be under the trees above. From this perspective, we can see the roots, stems and branches of trees. We can feel the damp earth and observe animals and insects that help the life of trees in conservation. Is the beautiful leaves, the sunlight that give us oxygen, but brings the complex system of branches, trunks and roots, could not exist foliage. In fact, the whole forest began after a single seed, which, in all probability, not performed by wind or stool of an animal.
In the same way that the forest is more than a roof of leaves, spirituality is more than a mere consideration of thoughts and ideas. In itself, these thoughts are little. Spirituality begins with the understanding that we are bearers of the seeds and that our sexuality is an integral part of our being. This does not mean, outside the scope of the spirituality of thought. Rather, it is the essence of spirituality. It & rsquo; It is not so much the object of our thoughts, reflecting our spirituality, but we believe. The following story illustrates this point.
A family with two children lived in a country where the winters were very cold. Women and rsquo; Wintermantel almost worn age; would not serve him for another winter. The family decided to save budget money every week so they could buy a new layer.
One day her husband realized that the local store was $ 95 for a sale of winter coats. After counting all the money he had saved, they were very happy that they had $ 97 and some change to find.
The next morning, she got up early and took a bus to the store. He found the closet with a sign saying & ldquo; Special: $ 95 rdquo; At the end of the grid, a jacket was on its size and the perfect tone complexion oxide. She started and stood before the three-way mirror, admiring the way he looked. And ldquo; This keeps me safe and warm rdquo; thought.
"In the mirror he noticed another closet with a sign that says: & ldquo; Sale: $ 175 rdquo; When she approached her, she saw a beautiful beige coat with large fur collar imitation. He hung up, admiring herself in the mirror for a very long time. His gaze was always at the price tag to rest, as if waiting for the price change magically. A saleswoman approached her and said: & ldquo; My God, this layer is flatter than, and is therefore unbeatable prices & rdquo !; And ldquo; Thanks and rdquo; the woman said, and ldquo; but I & rsquo; m looking. & Quot; Reluctantly he took it back now and the first shelf to get the best."
The children ran that day in school. Before he even took his own boots and coats, he asked enthusiastically: & ldquo; Mom, you have your coat? & Quot; His mother said: & ldquo; . Of course yes Now I take off my shoes and sit on the table. & Quot; But children insisted to see the new first layer. Although it was not and rsquo; t want to force, put it to see. The kids thought it was nice. He stroked and admired the web buttons. His mother said: & ldquo; You should have seen the other. It was a fur collar and large pockets. & Quot;
When her husband came home from work to home, he was eager to see the new garment. They do not and rsquo; You not really want to show it; it was just a shell, after all. Her husband stopped and reluctantly went to put it. Her husband said, and ldquo; How beautiful you are. I can work overtime and have some money. Let and rsquo; s and dinner, so I can display on your new layer. & Quot; His wife said: & ldquo; However, you should have seen the one with the fur collar. & Quot;
There will always be people who want to go through life and want, do not want to accept the reality of their lives and mdash; In fact, the decision is regrettable. The woman ever made a decision, always and be unhappy when she has her coat. Every time you put in, it & rsquo; ll think about the other and mdash; I could and rsquo; afford & mdash; and how luxurious it was. Because of their choice to be unhappy, they denied themselves and their families to celebrate the joy purchase. her husband and children, who have been struggling all year to put aside money to enjoy the fruits of their efforts prevented. Worst of all, your self-centeredness is felt failed to please him, and therefore the ability of children to feed and rsquo; s ego development was lost.
One of the roots of spirituality is acceptance of what is, which means that you do not choose to be unhappy. If we and rsquo; re always something that we don & rsquo; And T or rsquo; have t, we confine ourselves to a state of illusion or fantasy, so the idea will make us happy just around the corner lies. Therefore, they do not give importance to the things we have, or the work that has enabled us to achieve these things. Without this sense of value, we have no basis on which to build a spiritual life. Coat Racks and Stands.
Another aspect of spirituality is knowledge of the psyche and rsquo; s relationship to physical health. This means that the knowledge of our thought process and take responsibility for our ego-system, both of & lsquo; I & rsquo; and Y lsquo ;. I'm not & rsquo; That does not mean that our problems as we or fault as their shortcomings as an excuse for our behavior. This does not necessarily have to be all the time in a state of love of the mind, but that means always honest with himself.
Spirituality is also responsible for the energy we send both recognize our thoughts and our auras, our mood, either love or anger, has an impact on those who are close to us.
Recall that the woman who visited his aunt in the hospital and at the end of her aunt and disturbing rsquo; s energies. Because they had no knowledge of the psyche, which could not take responsibility or be honest about their negative attitude and its possible impact. Women and rsquo; The motivation to visit her aunt was not to make a pleasure, but an obligation; He felt he had to go. Consequently, the energy is sent to his aunt had a negative effect, rather than a cure. It may even be that his aunt visited thought it was a spiritual act. But spirituality is not to do something for others to satisfy our own and ldquo ;. Target & quot; Such an act can not spiritually, when it arises from true goodness.
For most of us the sense of commitment and mdash; get caught up in the & ldquo; duties and rdquo; & Mdash; it is normally derived from the fault. In other modes of negative and unproductive as the concern of anger that houses a rehash of old scenarios or otherwise and thought lsquo; spinning wheels and rsquo; Debt does not allow us to evaluate our feelings and actions honestly. Since the & ldquo; I'm not & quot; constantly in search of food or validation, often it makes us do things for the wrong reasons. Often we get angry with ourselves if we do these things, but don & rsquo; I do not know why we do it. It does not necessarily mean spiritual beings and ldquo; And not rdquo; anyone who tries to take advantage of us, but it means we have the option to decide how much energy or time to devote to others. It is not spiritual to deny our own needs and our energies to invest in those who are never satisfied and nothing in return.
The farmer is in his garden to tend care, provided that the trees can bear fruit. A woman tends her plants, provided they can produce flowers. Both food, what to grow and what they give something in return. The farmer does not tend to a dead tree or woman watering a stick. But how often we sprinkle a stick, knowing that it will not flourish, and we waste our energies? Because we believe that spirituality has to do with different configuration and rsquo; we before us, we must say that fear and ldquo; And not rdquo; It is taken for granted, manipulated or abused in some other way.
Many of us have difficulty saying and ldquo ;. No & quot; We not only fear that the other person and rsquo; s reaction and mdash; that could be hurt and upset or angry with us and mdash; we want to protect ourselves from the guilt and remorse that accompany the belief that we have done something wrong. Therefore, we often choose to say: & ldquo; Yes & quot; Establishment to avoid bad feelings. But if that is our choice, then we should and rsquo; t complain about the way they are treated. The fact is that there is a price to pay when it is said and ldquo; Yes & quot; or & ldquo; NO, & quot; but if we choose to say and ldquo; Yes & quot; You may never pay to stop.
Many of us have led us to see selfishness as negative property. We are putting our needs before others and has taught rsquo; and say and ldquo; And not rdquo; because she is selfish and therefore wrong. This view is ingrained in us since childhood and therefore it is very difficult to change. If, like children, you feel bad if we call their own needs to exist in the first place can be and ldquo; stretched, & quot; or negatively linked to our fathers, because we need their consent and love. This yoke is guilt and, strange as it may seem, keeps both sides in balance until we realize its cost.
Once we know that our respect recognizes we will neglect our own well-being, we can start forgetting conditioning us every time we put our own needs caused to feel guilty. But first we have to decide whether to continue on the same road. If we decide our system and say and ldquo challenge; NO, & quot; Keep in mind that the other person is not ready for a similar challenge. You can go all out to maintain the yoke in place, so we can continue to meet their needs. they have done nothing wrong; If we attempt to feel your succumb to feel guilty, we must, reminding us and rsquo.
Throw off the yoke needs a lot of value and can be one of the hardest things we do. It forces us to learn to live independently, without attached by a strong band of debt to another person. The person to whom we are bound, can be negatively demolished in the balance, if we break free and despair, we may endanger anger or withdrawal of love. This not only strengthens our fault, but also frightens us. We can then decide that the price is too high, and soften.
If we decide to say and ldquo risk taking; NO, & quot; maintained and exist in the fight until we are free, the other person can also benefit from the resolution. he may realize that we believe that the development of their own abilities and potential for growth over time is neglected.
Spirituality is not just hit a fly, because it is there. Note any action we take its reason or purpose, and we know. How often our goal without knowing how it got there? We spend much of our lives in our bodies while our thoughts are elsewhere automatic mode. Only when a tree crashed realize it was there. If, however, you pay attention to what we do, we will improve our enjoyment of it. When we go, we can see the movement of the legs and feet, while at the same time, one can realize the trees, houses and the people we meet along the way.
How many people like a potato skin? Most of us probably have our thoughts wander elsewhere while and rsquo; re trying. According rsquo; s because we peel a potato menial a task worthy of our attention. But doesn and rsquo; Does this show that we, as an essential part of life feed our body? live spiritually decision means that if something needs to be done, we would like to do.
Spirituality means being aware of ourselves, our environment and our place in the world. We need to understand our interdependence with nature. Spirituality means taking responsibility, how we use and mdash; or Abuse & mdash; the world's resources and the way in which our children live and work tomorrow and rsquo; It is the world and rsquo. This means that the construction of the ego and character, both our own and our children and rsquo; s, and the responsibility to maintain and improve the quality of life.
Too often we strive for spiritual development, before reaching the consciousness of the psyche. We want to see over the trees in the clouds, but we and rsquo; To search again fear in the shadows under the leaves. There are teachings that warn of the dark to find, suggesting that those who show interest in what is hidden, are at best and at worst wrong wrong. But for many of us these teachings have not been able to answer some of our deepest questions. As a result, we have old ways never out of fashion in which the psyche is an integral part of life. As we learn these lessons, we begin the answers to our questions to understand they are not in the trees that are in the clouds, but in the forest through the trees. This is where we are going in one direction and realize the life and purpose of the jungle, without losing the seeds. To grow spiritually, we must realize our goal and mdash; to create, thoughts and mdash; without losing our physical roots.