Politics Magazine

Spiritual Warfare Against Muslims

Posted on the 12 January 2015 by Adask

[courtesy Google Images]

[courtesy Google Images]

  1. The Muslims wage “holy war” against the West as a spiritual battle.
  2. The Muslim warriors’ faith is their greatest strength.
  3. The Muslim warriors’ faith is their greatest weakness..
  4. The US government and military refuse to see that they’re engaged in spiritual warfare against the Muslims and, instead, insists that the conflict is only “secular” (without any spiritual basis).
  5. So long as the West fights as secularists (people without relationship to or faith in God), they have no hope of permanently defeating the Muslims.


Why does the US refuse to recognize the spiritual nature of its war with Muslims?

Is the US simply that stupid?

Or does the US government and military fear that an admission that we’re engaged spiritual warfare against Muslims would cause the American military personnel and the American people to regain their spiritual foundation?

Do the gangsters who run our government fear a spiritual revival in this country?

Do the gangsters who run the US government insist on fighting as secularists so as to ensure that we will never defeat the Muslims and (like the former “Cold War”) this “war” can continue for decades?


Back about A.D. 1912, General“Black Jack” Pershing recognized that his conflict with Muslims in the Philippines was a spiritual battle.  Based on the Islamic faith, Muslims warriors truly believed that if they died in battle, they’d be martyrs instantly destined for paradise and an allotment of 72 virgins.  Armed with that religious belief, the Muslims were fearless and almost impossible to defeat.

Understanding that he was engaged in spiritual warfare against the Philippine warriors, General Pershing studied the Muslim faith and discovered that that faith prohibits anyone who has been tainted with pig’s blood from entering paradise.  If Muslims died in battle, they’d go instantly to paradise–unless they died with pigs’ blood in or on their bodies.  Pershing concluded that if he could infuse the Muslim warriors with pig’s blood and prevent them from entering paradise, they’d refuse to fight.


Spiritual Warfare against Muslims

General Pershing understood that the Muslims’ faith was their greatest military strength, but it was also their greatest military weakness.  General Pershing exploited that weakness one time, the Muslims (fearful of losing paradise) stopped fighting and the war ended.

I’ve referenced this “Achilles heel” in the Muslim’s faith several times over the past decade.

Our government can’t be ignorant of this “Achilles Heel”.

Therefore, we can reasonably ask why our government hasn’t simply manufactured bullets that include a hollow core filled with dried pigs’ blood, or bombs that included ceramic shrapnel that that was infused with pigs’ blood.   If the Muslims understood that if they were killed by a US bullet or US bomb, they wouldn’t go to paradise, they’d stop fighting.  The Muslims can only win (or at least continue to fight) so long as the US military insists on fighting a secular, rather than spiritual, war.  Our government fights Muslims with one big hand tied behind its back.  Our government empowers the Muslims to fight their “holy war” by insisting that we only fight a “secular war”.

Our government’s aversion to spiritual warfare is not confined our strategies to fight Muslims.  We see repeated instances in the news of Christian military chaplains whose powers, authorities and influence are diminished or denied by their military superiors and/or the US government.

We could stop Muslim warriors right now with nothing more than a small dose of pigs’ blood.  But our government is either too stupid to fight as spiritual warriors, or too satanic to allow a practical demonstration of the power of spiritual warfare to be seen by US military personnel and the American people—or maybe they just don’t want the war against Muslims to ever end.

The knowledge of how to defeat Muslims has been available for over a century.  That knowledge was used and proven valid back about A.D. 1912 by General Pershing.

If our government really wants to fight against, and defeat, Muslims, why won’t the US government apply that knowledge?

I believe the answer to that question is that the US government wants a “boogeyman” to fight and thereby justify our government’s existence and determination to deprive the American people of their rights.

For example, the US Supreme Court recently tore another hole in the 4th Amendment’s protections of our property and communications against “unreasonable searches and seizures”.  Although the Supreme Court didn’t expressly say so, a fundamental pretext for allowing government to spy on all of us, was the chance that some Muslim terrorists might be in this country and be preparing to detonate one or more bombs in the US.  The government essentially argues that, in order to protect you and me from Muslim terrorists, government must deprive of our rights.   The apparent threat of Muslim terrorist acts is at least “a” (perhaps “the”) fundamental pretext for our government to grow more militaristic and more tyrannical as it turns this country into the world’s #1 police state.

The Muslims are today’s substitute for the former “Evil Empire” of the Soviet Union.   Our government could not be so big, could not continue to grow in size and tyranny without a credible “boogeyman” to justify its existence and its abuse of the American people.  After the communists ceased to be a credible boogeyman, the Muslims eventually took their place.

How many Americans have died or will die, how many liberties will be lost, while our government insists on fighting secular warfare rather than spiritual warfare?

If we could stop the Muslims from fighting in the Middle East and launching terrorist attacks in the West, we might thereby stop the US government from stripping us of our God-given, unalienable Rights within The United States of America.

I.e., if we added some pigs’ blood to our bullets and bombs, the Muslims might stop fighting.  If the Muslims stopped fighting, our government would have no credible boogeyman.  Without a credible boogeyman, the US government would bet stripped of its power to grow and become ever more tyrannical.

Get that?  If a little dab of pigs’ blood is enough to stop the Muslims from fighting, it might also be enough to help restore limited government and liberty to The United States of America.

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