Diaries Magazine

Spike #1 Announcement!

By Adventuresinamyland

Spike #1 Announcement!

Who: Water 5
What organization: a low-income assisted living community founded by the Sisters of St.Francis
Where: Denver, CO (heck yeah!)
When: November 13-December 20

We received our permanent teams this past Friday and found out our first project (spike). I am very excited to be staying in Denver! All throughout CTI I’ve been saying that I would really love to have a project here and I got my wish! The great thing about this project is that it has some interesting scheduling so we’re going to be working in shifts (morning & evening). Wednesdays will be the day that everyone on the team has off and then we get to figure out the weekend schedule amongst ourselves. Having Wednesday’s off is awesome because then we’ll be able to get a ton of ISPs (independent hours we have to complete) done since we’re in Denver with lots of opportunities available.

The way they told us our permanent teams was a little rough which is why I haven’t posted about my team or spike until now. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, when I got my team I was pretty shocked and disappointed. I don’t know what I was expecting, but that was definitely not it. I’m over it now though and can’t wait to be done with CTI and to start getting to work!

Amy x

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