English: Nigel Farage. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Admittedly, the following video is all about the European Union (EU) and has little direct implications for the US. A lot of Americans won’t find this video particularly interesting on a political level.
The video’s speaker is Nigel Farage, the founder of the UK’s Independence Party (UKIP), and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) of the EU.
I worship no man. We’re all flawed. Still, on a personal level, I find Nigel Farage so worthy of admiration, that I can’t help posting this video.
I can’t think of a more articulate public speaker than Mr. Farage. Insofar as Mr. Farage’s persistent criticism of the EU must’ve caused some EU-proponents to consider assassinating him, I can’t think of a more courageous public speaker. Nevertheless, his public speeches are always intelligent, articulate and fearless. In most instances, Mr. Farage is more likely to speak with a sense of merryment rather than anger. England should be proud to claim Mr. Farage. God knows I wish we had a similar politician here in the US.
Given my conviction that democracy is a collectivist form of government, I don’t admire to Mr. Farage’s support for democracy. I write it off to ignorance. Even though he’s a politician, I doubt that he’s a villain.
More, even though I’m a constitutionalist, insofar as we appear to have a Kenyan in the White House, I might almost agree to overlook Mr. Farage’s nationality if we could just run him as a candidate for the Presidency. I might not agree with every idea Mr. Farage supports, but I might be willing to see him elected President just to have a man in the US government who was willing and even eager to speak truth to power.
Imagine: just one man in Congress, the Senate or the White House who was able and determined to speak the truth. I feel like Don Quixote singing about the “Impossible Dream”.
video 00:03:03