I’m passionate about ending domestic violence. I often write about the topic on my website, Mocha Dad, and on other platforms. On October 18, 2013, I will join the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault’s Mobilizing Men Task Force to address the root causes of sexual violence.
Emiliano C. Diaz de Leon, TAASA, Men’s Engagement Specialist will facilitate the panel discussion. We will explore the journey of boys into healthy manhood and how we can enhance our efforts to prevent sexual violence (read my post: Fathers Must Teach Their Sons That Rape is Unacceptable). The goal of the conversation is to identify methods to raise non-violent boys and investigate the role that parents, coaches, mentors and prevention educators have in supporting the development of emotionally fluent, civically engaged boys.
The other panels who will join me are:
Kelvin M. Hawkins - He has been impacting the lives of youth and young adults for 12 years. As an educator and coach, he has accepted the challenge of cultivating and educating young men. On and off the court he has empowered and motivated youth to reach their full potential.
Luke McKibben - He began his career as an anti-violence educator at a Take Back the Night rally in Denton Texas in 2001. He went on to co-found a Men Against Violence, a peer education group that presented on male accountability in ending violence against women. He is now building support for a Men Against Violence group in the Houston area, with ambitions of starting a focused group of men who can speak to men of all ages about ending violence.
Dave Kalloor - He joined Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition in Fall 2011 as the Community Education Specialist for HRRC’s primary training programs, which include cultivating and facilitating training opportunities for health care professionals and other front-line professionals that may encounter human trafficking victims. Along with training efforts, Mr. Kalloor helps to build and execute HRRC’s public awareness campaigns.
Charles Spain - He is a judge for the City of Houston Municipal Courts. A native Houstonian, he graduated from Rice University and Baylor University School of Law. An Eagle Scout, he served for three years as a district Scout executive in Dallas before attending law school. He is a World Scout Foundation Baden-Powell Fellow and active in his son’s Cub Scout pack, as well as a volunteer for Scouts for Equality.
If you’re unable to join us in person, please tune in live on Ustream or participate in the discussion on Twitter using #MMTFRoadTrip. To register for this meeting, please click here. TAASA will provide CEU’s.