Lifestyle Magazine

Spain In A Nutshell.

By Erynecarter06

It’s been just over a week since we came from home from the trip of a lifetime. Last week was a blur (think unpacking, serious grocery shopping, and recovering from some serious jet lag), but it was completely and utterly worth it.

From riding camels overlooking the ocean in Morocco, to traveling back in time as we were guided through the old streets of the Tangier Kasbah and Medina, to witnessing a taxi protest in Seville and getting a bird’s eye view of the city, and spending numerous perfect days on a Spanish beach just enjoying the sun, it was definitely a vacation to remember.

Over the next week or so, I’ll be posting about our adventures. Our three major day trips during the trip were to Tangier and Asilah, Morocco, Seville and Vejer de la Frontera. Each of those days will have their own posts, since they all have some great stories stemming from it. Other than that, we pretty much laid on a beach, ate a lot of good food and drank a lot of sangria.

Stay tuned as I recount an adventure of a lifetime…. and I hope you enjoy reading and seeing as much I did taking it all in.

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