Humor Magazine

♫♪ Soul Music with Humor ♫

By Dailydoseofmusings @mythoughts4sure

One of the fun things about being the more experienced one on shift is that those that are not, tend to look at you like you know everything. This of course, all too often makes them the perfect target for a practical joke or two or three… depending on their tolerance to pain, etc..
In some hospitals, just like one of our small rural hospitals, it plays a brief lullaby over the PA every time a baby is born to welcome the screaming bundle of holy terror into the world.

After making a necessary delivery of one soon-to-be-momma to said hospital, my shadow that day asked me about the music because he had not heard it before. After enlightening him on why, I couldn’t resist and lowered my head and added:

 “… you should hear what they play when they have a patient die, dreadful I tell you!!!...”

It actually took him a couple of minutes before he realized that I was only joking! 
None the less, stopping him dead in his tracks and the look of horror on his face … … was worth the shoulder punch I took afterwards!

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