Business Magazine

Sopranos & Sons of Anarchy Lessons for Marketing Consultants

Posted on the 09 December 2012 by Tmn @powertoconnect

What can professional service providers and consultants learn from crime families when it comes to business to business marketing? – Is it debt collection? – Cash flow? – Flexibility? – Confidentiality? It’s none of the above. It is EXCLUSIVITY. Exclusivity with a marketing referral program like no other! Television shows that delve into the depth of the underworld such as Sopranos and Sons of Anarchy, illustrate how hard it is to join these outlaws. And of course it is even harder to leave! The marketing strategy lesson is to increase your barriers to entry not just barriers to exit.

Of course traditional thinking sees most marketing consultants recommend making it as easy as possible to “try before you buy”, or to experience a product at the lowest possible cost in hope of then building a long term and loyal relationship. And undoubtedly this works across most product and service categories. However there are cases when marketing consultants and their clients can use one of the 6 Laws of Persuasion – The Law of Scarcity (in other words Exclusivity).

Of course it is not exclusivity alone that is the drawcard, whether it be joining an exclusive golf club or an organised crime syndicate. It is the benefits; from the feeling of safety and belonging to the power and the financial windfalls, whether through networking at a golf club or profiting from the illicit trade, there are substantial benefits, that keep the “member” engaged!

For marketers the challenge is knowing when and how to use exclusivity to your advantage.

David Staughton – The Business Improvement Guy has a great summary I’d like to share with all consultants:

Consultants in any profession who work with:
- Anyone (no defined target audience)
- do Anything (no defined area of expertise)
- Anywhere (no defined geographic area)
- at Any price (no defined value) are simply DESPERATE and get “crappy clients”

Whereas those that work with:
- THESE people
- doing THESE things
- throughout THESE LOCATIONS
- at THIS PRICE are FOCUSSED and have “cream clients”.

We’d love to hear how you have managed to find your CREAM, and if you are still looking then maybe we can help!

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