As part on this week’s True Blood Marathon on HBO2, Michael McMillian is hosting special themed segments that highlight all the data culled by Facebook, with the help of social curation firm Arktan, over the history of the show. “The partnership with Facebook provides us with the perfect data set to identify the themes and story points that matter most to Truebies.” True Blood has amassed more than 11 million Facebook fans, who have generated more than 844,000 comments on the show’s social network page.
Yesterday’s offering included the cull of Facebook data showing which male character has been the favorite suitor for Sookie Stackhouse. Of course we all knew the answer already, but it’s good to see it made OFFICIAL.
Thank you to ASN for sharing the graph.
I didn’t think I would be actually be writing any more blog posts about my favorite ever fictional couple (now we are pretty sure we know where the writers are heading), but this one seems very appropriate if it is to be my last. Does it make me feel any better that so many fans love Sooric so much? No, it actually makes it suck more that the writers are missing a golden opportunity to make viewers happy and give certain characters the ending they deserve.
Still it does give me a great excuse to post just one or two more gorgeous gifs whilst I dream of what could have been: